Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Starter Set, Reception, Session 7 Part 4

The party approached the crumbling tower as quietly as possible, readying for a fight.

The sun setting over the trees, a stillness entered the air.  A low, sickly green fog rolled across the hillside, emanating from the tower.  The fog created a humid, sticky sensation on the skin, and an acrid, sour smell burning the nostrils.  Hundreds of birds surrounded the clearing around the tower, staring intently without a sound, silently watching the scene unfold.

Durial approached the tower as silently as he could.

"I know you're out there," spoke a female voice echoing from within the building.  "Speaking with the druid.  I can smell his foul odor."
"I know that druid wants me to leave. Coveting my treasure. Undoubtedly I'm sure you do, too."

"I have come to parlay," said Durial.  "I have an offering of treasure, and a safe home free from followers."

"...Very well.  Come inside, show me what you have to offer," she said, enticing Durial to enter.

Entering the round ruined structure, the drow rogue found a locked chest resting in the center of the space, and a broken stairway curving up towards a missing second floor.  Standing upon the upper-most stairs, the elven woman in green looked upon him.

Her eyes narrowed, she waited quietly as he drew forth a map.  "I can show you the location of a castle in the woods to the south that is no longer occupied," he said.

"Place it on the chest over there," she motioned.  He turned and went to lay the map down, when her voice shifted, deepening, becoming a loud growl.

"That's far enough."

Durial raised his head to the full form of the dragon, looming over him angrily with death in her eyes, just meeting her gaze in time for her poisonous breath to engulf him.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Starter Set, Deceptions, Session 7 Part 3

Not easily dissuaded, the adventurers went forth to address the hooded figures that Reidoth had described.  They carefully crept around the backside of a building they suspected Giant Spiders to dwell within; however, their stealth was not quite sufficient, and they found themselves acosted by the 10 foot tall arachnids.  Eva, the human druid, decided to become a Giant Spider herself, shapeshifting to meet them head on.  Spells and weapons flying, the monsters were defeated with surprising ease.


The party continued through the town, coming upon a house that appeared barricaded and occupied.  Durial, the drow rogue, snuck up and listened through the door.  Several voices inside were discussing their plans of how to do as "the Black Spider" wanted.

Durial motioned for Eva, still in Giant Spider form, to stand beside him, as the rest of the party hid.  The drow rogue then knocked on the door, and waited in broad daylight for those inside to open the door.

A figure in a black mask and robe peeked through a curtained window, then moments later opened the door.  Behind him stood several robed figures in less-decorated masks.

"The Black Spider sent me to check in on your status," said Durial, with the Giant Spider standing by his shoulder.  His deception worked, as the leader told the drow rogue that they were having trouble convincing the dragon, having followed her yet again to this new location.  The leader indicated that they planned to offer the dragon several diamonds to consider assisting the Black Spider.

Durial convinced the robed leader to give him the jewels, that the Black Spider was displeased with their failures.  Giant Spider Eva loomed behind Durial, aiding his attempt at intimidation.  The robed man handed over the pouch, containing 300 gold worth of diamonds, and said that they would wait for the drow's return and further instruction.

With the door closed, the party quickly came up with a cunning plan: they searched for nearby zombies, finding the ruin of a barracks with several inside.  With the nimbleness and speed of a Giant Spider, Eva then led the zombies pied-piper style, through the ruined streets towards the abandoned house with the robed men.

Even climbed the walls onto the roof of the boarded-up house, and reached down with a long spider leg.  With a knock on the door, the men inside were fooled into an ambush with the undead.  The leader was killed, along with most of the men, though 2 of the men were able to escape and flee into the woods.


Encouraged by the ease of their exploration thus far, they decided to approach the tower to the north of town, where Venomfang the young green dragon resided.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Starter Set, Weeding the Lawn, Session 7 Part 2

As they approached, they found a sign is posted at the outskirts of the town, the letters red as if written in blood:

"DANGER! Plant monsters AND zombies!  Turn back now!"

A gray squirrel skittered away as they read the sign, jumping from tree to tree.

They pressed on, into the misty, damp village ruins.  Coming upon a set of crumbling houses, they pushed aside brambles and weeds to enter the first building.  Suddenly, they found themselves surrounded by twig creatures, pulling themselves up from the ground, having pretended to be merely dead shrubs.  Little more than a nuisance, the party cleared the path of the blighted plant creatures, and continued in their investigation.

They came upon an old tavern, named the Brown Horse, its faded sign depicting a cartoonish smiling horse holding aloft a mug of ale.  The door nearly fell off the rusted hinges, and peering inside, they could smell old yeast and a hint of ash.  The party filed inside, and as they approached the bar, 2 ashen corpses rose and attacked.  As Lemon, the human barbarian, gleefully slashed one down with her new glowing crystal sword, the corpse expelled a noxious flood of sickening ash, causing her to cough uncontrollably.  Seeing this, the party decided to destroy the next at range, and would take care to avoid contact with them should they encounter more.

Following the trail further into town, they came around a bend, and found an elven woman in a green dress blocking their path.

Durial, the drow rogue, approached her cautiously.

"I suggest you leave now," said the woman.  Durial felt the attempt to coerce his mind, but resisted her spell.  With that, the woman frowned, and disappeared into a puff of mist, teleporting into the forest.

Eva, the human druid, remembered her youth in this village, and led the group south, to the home of her former mentor, Reidoth.

This house appeared to be the only one in good repair.  The doors looked sturdy and reinforced, the thick shutters closed.  A large tree appeared to be looming over the back of the home.

Eva knocked on the front door, which appeared to open on its own.  "Come in, Eva," said Reidoth calmly.  "It has been some time."

Inside, they found a dark-skinned white-haired gaunt man sitting at a small table, appearing to be playing a game of chess.  The back window was open, and a branch was reaching inside, moving a piece in turn with the game.

Reidoth introduced the tree-creature, "this is my dear friend, Steelbeard," motioning to a face made of bark and moss looming through the open window.  Steelbeard the treant's hollow eyes and slow smile greeted the group, "visitors!  Would you like some tea?"

The party settled in, taking a rest from their exploration of Thundertree.
Eva asked Reidoth why he was still there.  He explained that after Mount Hotenow's eruption cursed the land, he remained behind to keep the ash zombies that came down from the mountain from escaping and attacking Neverwinter.

He motioned to a potted shrubbery in the corner of the room, which them moved on its own, pushing root-legs out of cracks in the pottery and walking across the room.  He told them that he had been creating awakened shrubs to combat the zombies; however, his control over the plants faded due to the cursed land, and the blight was taking his creations and twisting them.  Now, he just tries to drive people away and let the blights fight it out with the zombies.

The war between plants vs zombies had been waging for decades.

"Sadly, the curse has also taken its toll on my friend, Steelbeard," said Reidoth.

Steelbeard, hearing his name, looked up from the chessboard once more, exclaiming "visitors!  Would you like some tea?"  The party surmised that the poor treant wasn't doing so well.

The group described the lady in green, which Reidoth advised them was actually an illusion.  In reality, the "lady" was none other than a young green dragon named Venomfang, whose recent arrival had caused the cursed land to become more volatile lately.

Following her arrival, Reidoth spotted several giant spiders taking over the center of town, as well as a group of people in black robes and masks on the other side of town.  Reidoth didn't know what their story was, but they hadn't approached him yet, nor had they taken notice of him skittering around as a small gray squirrel.

"Honestly, you should probably just be on your way.  Far too dangerous around these parts."

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Starter Set, Thunderous Origins, Session 7 Part 1

The party gathered the corpses of their fallen enemies into the front hall, then rejoined Sildar and Gundren, and took up residence in the bedroom of the defeated King Grol.


Lemon's dreams were filled with the face of of a man in armor wielding a greatsword.  When she awoke, the name "Regdar" resonated in her mind.  Feeling compelled to examine the sword hilt, she uttered the name.  A wisp of smoke rose from the hilt, and solidified into a smoky crystalline blade, glowing a pale blue in the shadow of the room.  Testing this new blade, she found it dissolved when the sunlight coming through the window touched it, reforming once more while in shadow.

(DM Note: Greatsword with psychic damage that cannot be used in direct sunlight.)


Entering the kitchen, the group found Droop standing in front of the old stove, holding something in her hands.  On the stove, a small iron pot glistens with a small bit of molten gold.

Fleek was leaning against the wall, arms folded, smiling at his daughter, a tear in the corner of his eye.  “I fixed it.” Droop said, holding up her mother’s bowl, the cracks filled in with a new gold inlay.  She smiled coyly, looking over at the corpse of Yegg, the goblin cook, “he… had some gold teeth…”

(DM Note: This is Droop's Mother's offering bowl to Meriadar, broken by the Bugbears in Tresendar Manor, described in "Starter Set, Motivations and Reunions, Session 3, Part 2")


The party discussed their options, as they weren't far from Eva's former home of Thundertree.  In a show of support for their new friend, they chose to take this opportunity, and would go North as Sildar would take Gundren back South to Phandalin himself, and would help keep peace in the town until the men delivering Iarno to Neverwinter returned.


It was approaching sunset the next day when they came upon Thundertree.

"Cresting a hill at the edge of the Neverwinter wood, a light rain overhead, you can almost make out the broken peak of Mount Hotenow 30 miles to the north.  Nearly 3 decades ago, the eruption from that far away mountain blocked out the sun and cursed the land.  Strange zombies came down from that mountain, along the river, and chased everyone away."

"From your vantage point, you can see the town below spread before you.  The forest looks strange, mutated, twisted.  The trail along the river gradually becomes overgrown.  Near the middle of town is a hill with a stone tower, partially collapsed, low fog spreading through the surrounding trees.
Roofs are collapsed on many buildings, some more or less intact."

"You have returned home, Eva"

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Starter Set, Further Desecrating Grol, and the Owlbear Doll, Session 6 Part 3

[Fun note: Droop, the female goblin NPC in our game, was played today by a friend's 14 year old daughter, trying out D&D for the first time...]

The party prepared to continue to clear out the remaining enemies, and stealthily peered through the Temple room door into the front entry hall.  The could hear two hobgoblins talking in a room across the hall; two guard-post rooms could be seen further down the hall near the main entrance to the castle.

Hefting the head of the deceased King Grol in her hand, Droop readied herself for action.

Bursting into the hobgoblin barracks, the party took the resting soldiers by surprise.  The noise drew out a few goblins from further down the hall; Droop was able to down the first goblin guard she saw using her once-captor's skull as a fast-ball special (Natural 20!).

They made short work of their enemies, with Droop leading the charge and downing several of her former captors personally.

Th party found that only one room remained occupied in the castle: the kitchen.  Still in giant spider form, Eva the druid skittered through the door, frightening the half-dozen goblins inside.  The lead goblin in a tall chef hat was ready for them, and commanded the goblins to attack with kitchen knives while he threw vials of acid at the spider.

The party filled him and several goblins with arrows and magic missiles, then commanded the remaining 3 goblins to stand down.  They decided to take mercy on the pitiful kitchen slaves, allowing them to flee into the night.

Among the materials left in the kitchen, they found what appeared to be the shell of a dragon egg.

Taking a moment to rest, it was only a few minutes before they could hear the approach of a returning hobgoblin scouting party.  Confident, if a bit war weary, the adventurers charged to battle once more, this time with Eva still in giant spider form taking the scouting party by surprise from behind.

A dire wolf pet of the hobgoblins took Eva down for a moment, reverting her to human once more; in response, the druid met like-with-like, and faced off with the dire wolf as a dire wolf herself.  The rest of the group demolished the hobgoblins, and the dire wolf quickly saw it was on the losing side; Eva allowed the beast to flee into the night.

When the dust settled, Droop went into a side hallway, where tucked into a small corner of a broken tower room was her old bed-mat of straw and fabric scraps, and her stuffed owlbear toy doll that her mother made for her when Droop was an infant.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Starter Set, Maglubiyet Sends His Regards, Session 6 Part 2

(Cragmaw Castle Altar Room)

Stealthily, the rogue Durial enters the room, finding the peeled corpse of the grick and a toppled still-lit brazier.  A small golden statue rests in the hot coals, which he carefully wraps in cloth and quickly places in his satchel.

Hearing several goblin voices in the next room, the party readies an ambush.  In a rush, they run into the back room of the temple, finding 3 goblins wearing over-sized masks standing over an altar draped in blood-soaked cloth.  In mere seconds, they slaughtered the goblins before an alarm could be raised.

Lana, the dragonborn sorcerer, sets about reclaiming this lost altar of Oghma, the god of knowledge, drumming and chanting while kneeling in front of the stone.  The sounds of her drum are met by an ethereal beat from an unknown source, and smoke begins to pour from the goblin corpses. The 2 goblin allies of the party, Fleek and Droop, exit the room, proclaiming that they have angered the evil god Maglubiyet.

The largest mask, worn by what was assumed to be the priest goblin, rises on its own, floating several feet off the floor.  The goblin corpses all rise, twisting joints unnaturally, and climb up the walls like broken spiders.  As the mask begins to chant an ancient curse, it is suddenly cut off, as Raven, the human cleric, uses the Scroll of Silence to halt the evil being's magic.

The druid, Eva, shape-shifts into a giant spider, and climbs to where she can knock the smoking goblin zombies to the floor.  As she does so, they explode in small gouts of flame upon impact with the stone floor, barely missing the sorcerer Lana, who despite the Silence spell, is continuing her inaudible drumming and noiseless prayer to Oghma to consecrate the altar.

As the last zombie falls, Lana's prayer completes, and the room fills with moonlight, brighter and brighter, blindingly so.  In almost a flash the light dissipates, revealing the room once again.  The mask is gone, and all that remains of the cruel evil-worshipers and their cruel deity is a faint bit of ash on the breeze.

The Silence spell fades, and the party realizes that they were able to keep the rest of the castle from being alerted to their presence (likely also assisted by the distracting owlbear out front).  Listening at the door, they find that not only are voices speaking in goblin on the other side, but somehow they can understand the language; they figure out that the Oghma's blessing is upon the grounds now, granting them the ability to Comprehend Languages while in the castle.

The party gathers at the temple room door to the front entry of the castle, ready to finish off the Cragmaw for good.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Starter Set, Getting A-head, Session 6 Part 1

Our heroes, having killed the malicious King Grol that enslaved the goblin tribe of Droop and Fleek, come up with a cunning plan.

As the dragonborn sorcerer, Lana, waves the head of the dead bugbear king in the hallway using Mage Hand, the arcane trickster drow rogue, Durial, uses his own Mage Hand spell to unlock the door holding in the owlbear.

In a flurry of motion, the massive form of a starving matron owlbear bursts through the tower doors, and follows the motion and scent of the head as it is unceremoniously tossed aside into the entry hall of the temple.  The party hides, waiting for what they hope to be the sounds of battle.

A slithering sound, the roar of the monstrous feathered beast, then the sound of snapping and what sounds like a 5 foot long peeling of a banana?  Apparently, a grick met it's fate at the paws of the hungry beast.


Rumbling and red firelight filled the halls, and a magically enhanced voice, booming and angry and speaking in goblin, commands the "foul creature" to leave.  The haggard owlbear roars in surprise, and bursts through the opposite doorway from where it came in, smashing the stone archway and collapsing the entrance as it bounds into the night.  Several more goblin voices can be heard in the distance, and the 'twang of bows as arrows fly in the night after the freed creature.

In the quiet that followed, the group of adventurers sneak into the tower that once held the owlbear.  Little remains of the furniture, except a high shelf, with a small chest.  Inside are a scroll of Silence, a rusted hilt of a broken sword, and an amulet depicting an elf with the name "Meralue Auglatha."

Friday, April 6, 2018

Starter Set, Fleek and Droop's Revenge, Session 5 Part 2

Around noon, the party departed Phandalin on the quest to save Gundren Rockseeker.

The goblins, unibrowed Fleek and his daughter Droop, intending to seek revenge for the loss of their village, rode ahead on their cow, Bessie.  Droop guided the way, being the only one that knew where the castle was hidden.

Sildar, fulfilling his promise to assist, followed a short distance behind the goblins, glancing slightly distrustfully at them on occasion as they rode.


The party of now 8 left the Triboar Trail to head North into the Neverwinter Wood.  After only a few hours, as the sun was close to setting, they heard sounds up ahead, alerting them to possible danger.  Sildar and the goblins stayed behind to protect the horses while the others scouted ahead.

"Well, you made a right paste of him, di'-nt ya," drawled a deep, loud voice.  "Now what we gonna eat?"

Sneaking carefully to the edge of a clearing, they could see two large ogres, standing over the very flattened remains of something once humanoid in shape.

It was at this point that Eva discovered she was not as stealthy as she had hoped.  Stepping on a twig, the ogres turned on her in an instant, roaring as they brought their clubs down upon her in a flash.  As she fled, she was able to lead the ogres into an ambush, where the rest of the party were able to surround them.  From a safer distance, Eva brought down a Moonbeam spell, burning the monsters with radiant energy.  Though the ogres' fought ferociously, they were quelled quickly.

Searching the ogres returned little more than a random wagon wheel, which the group decided to strap to one of their horses and take along for some reason.  The flattened victim, though unrecognizable as little more than humanoid in size, had one finger sticking up from the gore.  Upon this finger, a ring of braided metal caught Durial's eye.

Without much thought the drow placed the ring upon his finger, and promptly grew a beard.

Taking off the ring did not remove the hair, though cutting the beard hair proved just a minor inconvenience at worst.  With some experimentation, Durial and Sildar found that this ring produced differing results; Sildar was quite pleased with his new "mutton chops" side burns, though Durial kept the ring in a pocket, in case he found a later use for it.

Though they were able to take down this massive threat by what felt like a hair's breadth, but the accomplishment gave them confidence that they would be victorious when they reached the castle.


They approached the castle at dusk, the wind howling against the broken towers.  A quick scan of the building revealed a concealed entrance obscured by a curtain on the north side of the structure.  Droop advised them that the King's bedroom was in the northeast corner.

Sneaking in through the secret entrance, the plan was to go straight for King Grol.  With Durial and Fleek in front, Raven and Lemon flanking just behind, and Eva and Lana in the back for ranged support.  Droop took up a a lookout position in the rear.

They entered a hallway, and found a door to the east and a curtain to the south.  Listening at the door to the northeast, Durial could hear two voices, one gruff and one soft, arguing over something.  With a burst, he slammed open the door, and he and Fleek released readied crossbow shots into a large bugbear; both rogues then rolled back, allowing Lemon and Raven to stand before them.  With a roar, King Grol picked up a large greataxe and charged, coming down on Raven with a mighty blow.

The other occupant of the room, a female drow in a slender dress, dashed out of sight into the north corner of the room.

The exchange between the King and the intruders went back and forth for a few seconds, when from dark shadows of the hallways, two hobgoblins seemed to appear out of thin air.  Their fists and feet flurried in all directions, pelting Lemon and Raven as they fought in melee combat with the King.

Lana blinded one of the hobgoblins, while Eva, Durial, and Fleek brought down the other.

Slashing recklessly, King Grol's greataxe found purchase and knocked Raven to the floor, unconscious.  Seizing the opening, Lemon brought her greatsword down upon the mighty bugbear, cleanly beheading him.

Eva magically healed Raven, who leapt to her feet, readying her maul to finish the final foe.

Sensing she was alone and in a bad situation, the final hobgoblin attempted to vanish into the shadows.  [DM note: as she was blind and in a panic, rolled a d6 for direction, d4 x 5ft for distance.]  As suddenly as she disappeared into the shadow, she reappeared falling 20 feet from the sky above.

Droop was unable to move past Lana, who purposefully blocked the doorway into the hall to protect the small goblin.  In frustration, Droop dashed around to the south, coming up behind from the curtain covering the southern entrance to the hall.  She was just in time to see the falling hobgoblin hit the ground at her feet, who having survived the fall, did not survive Droop's maul to her head.


As the party entered the bedchamber, they could see no sign of the drow woman from earlier.  A door to a closet on the north end of the room was partially ajar, and as Durial took a step towards it, out came Gundren Rockseeker.  Then, another Gundren Rockseeker.

Both were stumbling and wavering, their eyes half shut, holding their hands to each other's shoulders.

Thinking quickly on her feet, Raven cast Detect Evil and Good.

[DM note: rule of cool, just roll with it.]

With a commanding "imposter," the false Gundren knew the ruse had failed.  Quickly, it shifted in form.  The "dwarf," clothes and all, melded into a blue skinned form and back into her "drow" form in an instant.

The female "drow" pulled a potion from a side pouch that it wore, and with a swig, she became translucent and floated upwards towards a hole in the ceiling, as if she were made of steam.  [Gaseous Form, grants fly speed 10 feet.]

Durial reacted by casting Ray of Frost, hitting the cloud of "drow" [reducing her speed to 0].

Calling down a Moonbeam through the broken castle roof, Eva caught the dispersed "drow" mid-air.

The radiant light revealed her true form.  Though she was translucent as mist due to the potion, they could see the doppelganger for what it was.  Blue skin, faceless, and with a fresh wound from a rapier that had just begun to heal from the night before.

An inhuman scream could be heard, but just barely audible, as the moonbeam dispersed the doppelganger evenly upon the floor and walls in a blue spray of steaming inhuman blood.

Linene's cousin Robert was avenged.


Gundren was now stable, sleeping heavily on Grol's bed mat; Sildar volunteered to stay by his side.

The enemies defeated, they began a search of the castle.  Starting with the eastern side, they checked a double-door to the south of the hall.  Noting the doors were bolted from the outside, they approached with caution.  

Listening at the door, they could hear something trying to get out:

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Starter Set, My Cousin's Horse, Session 5 Part 1

After a mostly restless night, the heroes awake feeling renewed energy and capabilities despite their weariness.

***Level 3***


Stepping out into the morning air, they noticed Harbin Wester on the back of a heavily burdened donkey trotting through the town square.

"This is all too much for me.  I'm going back to Neverwinter to work for the bank!"

As the jackasses left, they passed by a cart being hauled by several miners, a sheet covering the body of the real Robert in the back.

Linene Graywind approached the party, followed closely by Halia Thornton.  Noting the fleeing Townmaster, the two women thank the group and promised that they would pay the rewards promised by Harbin and Sildar.  They went on to note that a town council was being formed by the local business owners, and would wait for the chaos in town to settle before electing a new Townmaster.

The party showed Halia the love letter Iarno had written, to which she replied, aghast and embarrassed, "I had barely heard 2 sentences from him before he disappeared months ago!  I have no idea what this is about!"

The old cart and oxen, led by Toblen Stonehill, Elmar Barthen and Daran Edermath, made its way down from Barthen's Provisions toward the Townmaster's Hall.  Sildar emerged, leading the Redbrand Captain and Iarno Albrek, the latter bound and gagged.  Loading the prisoners into the cart, the Neverwinter-bound crew trotted across the square towards the Triboar Trail.

Halia and Iarno locked eyes as he was carted away.  She blushed and turned her back to him, a tear rolling down his cheek.


Indicating that they each wanted to speak to the party privately, Linene and Halia gave each other slightly distrustful glares, and went back to their respectful businesses.

At the Miner's Exchange, the party spoke to Halia regarding the note from the Black Spider that they found in the Manor.  She was quite pleased with them, and gladly paid them the 100 gold as promised.  She then extended the offer, paying an additional 100 gold for any more information they could obtain about this Black Spider.

They gave her the figurine bust they found in the Tresendar tomb, as it seemed to be nearly identical to her likeness.  Holding the carving, Halia revealed that she was a descendant to the Tresendars, and that she wanted to bring back the town to what it once was, to rebuild her ancestor's legacy.

As a form of gratitude for their respect to her ancestors, and the return of the statuette, she offered to purchase any ore or metals they wished to sell at a 90% rate (as opposed to the standard 50% buy rate).

During the exchange, she was able to communicate with Durial using Thieves' Cant, giving him the message that she was not sure she could trust him earlier, but was now willing to work with him.


Now mid-morning, Sildar met up with the party, following them to meet with Linene.  She sat somber, head in hand as they entered the building.  She explained that Robert was her cousin, and that he had only arrived in town 2 weeks ago, seeking his fortune in the local mines.

She asked where they were going next, and if they planned to find Robert's killer.  Assuring her that they were, and that they would bring the villains to justice, she offered Robert's horse to aid in the effort.

[DM note: I made cards for 12 customized horses, setting slight price variance for each.]

Redsaddle was a maroon horse formerly owned by a former sea-raider, Linene's cousin Robert. She swims really well and can hold her breath for an unnatural length of time.  Raven chose this horse, feeling a connection almost immediately.  [DM note: swim speed 60 ft.]

The party, seeing the value in having a faster means of travel, persuaded Linene to extend her assistance further.  She granted them a 75% buyback on any weapons or armor they brought her, and gave a 25% discount on the sale of any horses they bought.

Lemon chose to purchase Wickywalter.  Light brown, branded with the seal of justice as a former bounty-hunter’s horse, he neighs loudly if a lie is told in his presence.  (Lemon glanced at Durial as she paid for the horse...)  [DM note: range 15 ft, Insight vs Deception, DC11.]

Lana, the silver dragonborn wizard, felt drawn to Icehorse.  Rare breeding stock, raised in arctic conditions and high altitude to improve strength. Total badass of a white horse that will stand up to any punishment. Cries a little as it sleeps.  [DM note: cold resistance.]

The next horse, Bjors, is said to have distant bear ancestry. Can talk with bears as one of their own, and needs a little meat in his diet to stay happy.  Curiously intrigued by this strange beast, the druid Eva chose him as her mount.  [DM note: Bi-lingual carnivore horse?  Why not...]

For their goblin companions, the party purchased Bessie, cow that for some reason loves to run.  She can keep up with most race horses, and enjoys the company of a rider.  Provides 1 gallon of fresh milk every day, though will get ill if not milked for 48 hours.  [DM note: stats as riding horse, milk serves as 1 ration per day.]

The rogue Durial chose to walk, though with his light frame, he could take breaks and saddle behind another party member if need be.
[DM note: CON saves for long distance marching or face exhaustion.]

Sildar chose to purchase Oxkicker.  A dark grey raid-horse trained to kick in doors with alarming power.  [DM note: Warhose with 20 STR, +7 to kick, 2d6+5 damage.]

Monday, April 2, 2018

Starter Set, Jailbreak Double Take, Session 4 Part 3

The tirumphant adventurers left the ruined manor, escorting the rescued Dendrar family and dragging the Redbrand leaders, the Captain and Glassstaff, behind them.  Leading the captives, both former and newly acquired, down from the hill, they came upon a gathering of several dozen townsfolk in the center of the town.

"What have you done?!" demanded Harbin, visibly afraid.

Murmuring and whispers waved across the gathering, as torches lit the midnight air.  Out of the crowd, a lone voice called "Hang them!"

More calls sprang forward, "Kill the Redbrands!"  "They killed Thel Dendrar!"  "Justice!"  "Hang them!  Hang them!"

The young Dendrar children hid themselves under their mother's arms as Mirna, with glistening eyes reflecting the flames of the torches, stared with fury at the unconscious wizard on the ground before her.

Sister Garaele stepped forward and turned to face the crowd.  “Oh!  Now, now!  Can’t we be reasonable here?”

Qelline subtly turned and walked away.  “Come along, Carp.  You don’t need to see this.”
"But, mooom!..." Carps voice trailed as the Alderleafs walked away.

"L-let’s not be hasty," Harbin stuttered.

Mirna suddenly burst, shouting him down. "Shut up, you doddering fool!  These men are evil, and justice will be served!"

Daran Edermath put his hand up and calmly replied, "they should be brought to the city."

Linene quietly said to the party, “I’m good either way, so long as justice is served.”

Halia approached, “I think there’s a bigger picture here.”  Her words were drowned by the building crowd.

Elmar, just entering the crowd, yelled out, “Yes! What have you done with the Rockseeker brothers?!”
The crowd seemed somewhat confused by this, but nonetheless enthused to see justice.

Sildar stepped up to the prisoners, and with a commanding voice said, “we will bring them to Neverwinter.  Nobody else needs to die today.”

The adventurers stood beside Sildar, silent but standing firm in their support for his words.  The townsfolk slowly calmed, persuaded to let formal justice take precedence.

"Everyone, just go home.  We will jail them for the night, then transport them tomorrow to face the Lord's justice in Neverwinter."

Toblen piped up, "I’ll go."
"Me too," Daran added
"Count me in as well," Barthen said.  "We can use the wagon and oxen you delivered yesterday."

"We need to post guards tonight," Sildar advised

Durial and Lemon volunteered to guard the prisoners, as well as a local miner named Robert. 


In the basement of the Townmaster's Hall, within two crudely constructed jail cells, were several short-term residents: the redbrand from the taphouse ("aren't you cute") and the Redbrand Captain in one cell, and Iarno "Glassstaff" Albrek in the other, bound and gagged.

Lemon, Durial, and Robert sat quietly, taking shifts to watch the prisoners.  Sometime around 2 am, Robert stepped out for a restroom break.  Less than 5 minutes later, he came back, and silently took his seat once more.

Robert, looking over Durial and Lemon, glared into Durial's eyes and takes a swig from his flask.  Suddenly, Robert vanished.

The barred door to Iarno's cage opened, and his bindings loosened.  Pulled to his feet, Iarno cast Blur on himself, his form seeming to vibrate violently in the air.

[DM note: I ruled Iarno had a short rest, and thus only had 8 HP.]

Lemon slashed at the wizard with her greatsword, and just as mere hours before in the Redbrand hideout, opened his freshly closed wounds she had inflicted, dropping the wizard once more.  She then went to work stopping the bleeding and closing the wound she re-inflicted.

Durial pulled the invisibility potion he found earlier in the manor, and drinking it quickly, ran to face the unseen threat.

Unable to determine Durial's location, "Robert" toppled a nearby oil lantern onto the floor of the cell containing the other two Redbrands, spilling oil and setting fire to them both.  The Captain, waking to being engulfed in flame, disrobed and began beating out the flames with a blanket.  His efforts were not fast enough, and though he was able to save himself, the other Redbrand (who had accidentally cat-called Durial from the porch of the Sleeping Giant Tap House) perished in the flames.

Suspecting "Robert" would go for the door, Durial waited and struck out with his rapier as the door started to open.  Blue-tinted blood coated his blade, and Durial's invisibility was dispelled.

However, the still-invisible intruder continued out the door and escaped into the night.


Running out the door in pursuit, Durial noticed Robert's body just outside behind a bush, his throat slit.

Yelling into the newly acquired Sending Stones, he awoke Eva, who yelled for the others and ran outside.  Noticing the smell of smoke in the night air, they ran down the street to see the porch of the Sleeping Giant Tap House set aflame.

Lana quickly quenched the fire with her icy dragon's breath, and the party scoured the area for evidence of the intruder's whereabouts, but to no avail.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Starter Set, The Redbrand Lonely Hearts Club, Session 4 Part 2

Exiting the room through the southern double-doors, they found a 10-foot wide 40-foot long empty hallway.  Durial went first, checking for traps.  Unfortunately for him, he didn't notice the illusion covering the large pit in the ground, and was lucky to catch himself on the lip without falling all the way in.

Climbing up, everyone took turns prodding through the illusion, looking for a way across.  Finally, Raven found a lever hidden along a pillar, which released a long panel from the northern wall, forming a small walkway.

At the end of the hall, a southern door opened to a foyer, with a cistern fountain at the western end.  Stairs led up to the eastern side, to an exit from the basement.  Barrels and crates, filled with food and drink, lined the walls.  On the western wall was a closed door, which Lemon approached.

The party hid themselves in shadowed corners behind barrels.  Lemon sauntered up to the door, drew her greatsword, and confidently swung it open.

Three familiar faces, Redbrands that Lemon knew when she was part of the gang, sat in the room.  The barracks room had several bunkbeds, crates, barrels, and lanterns strewn about.

Brian, standing up from a crate, put his hand to his belt, then realized he wasn't wearing his sword, and looked toward the bed where it sat sheathed.

George, sitting on a bed, bolted upright and said, "Lemon?  You're back!?"

Lemon smiled, "I am.  Now get out."

Sam, lying in one of the beds, did all he could to pull the blanket over himself, hiding under the sheets.

[DM note: Always prepare names lists!  Otherwise, you get "Brian, George, and Sam..."]

Brian took a step towards the beds, and Lemon leveled her sword at him.  George held a hand out to stop him, and said "Brian, stop. We had nothing to do with what the Captain did, Lemon.  He's the one that convinced Glassstaff to try to have you killed."

"I've already dealt with them," she said in a low, level voice.  Brian looked unconvinced, but George's eyes got wide.

Brian shot George an angry glance, muttering, "we can take her!"

"No, we can't.  Lemon, I don't know if you came alone, or if you took them out yourself, but if you'll let us live, we'll just leave," George replied.

Lemon lowered her sword slightly, and moved aside from the doorway.  George stood slowly, raising his hands, and walked carefully past Lemon.  Upon exiting the room, he could clearly see the drow, dragonborn, and two humans with weapons trained on him, and he ran for the stairs to exit the building.

Brian, seething but admitting defeat, followed George a few seconds later.  Seeing the party outside, the anger was replaced by fear, and he dashed similarly out the door into the night.

Last, Sam stood, wrapping the blanket around him.  He scooted as quickly as he could without losing the covering he had.  As he exited the door, the corner of the sheet caught a nail in the door frame, causing his grip to falter.  His gleaming cheeks glowing in the moonlight, he streaked into the brisk night.


With the confidence of a mission accomplished, when the laughter had died down, they took note of their loot.  [Swords, money, etc, not described here, for the sake of brevity.]

Among the more "interesting" belongings left behind were:

A piece of silk cloth, found in George's satchel, that smelled different to each person, somehow reminding them each of a past love.

A hand puppet that very much resembles another party member, found in Sam's bed. (The name “Lemon” is stitched crudely on the back.)

[DM note: the loot was from a deck of 50+ random items I custom created.  Lucky draws...]


Searching the small fountain, Durial found a string tied to a bag hidden in the water.

A clump of glowing green moss was growing on the outside of the bag, illuminating the area once out of the water.

Inside the waterproof bag was an invisibility potion...

...Sending Stones (which work like "Message" spell)...

...the deed and title to the Tresendar Manor...  [Durial's Sleight of Hand kept the other party members from noticing this item as he tucked it away discreetly...]

...and a very strange letter, addressed to Halia:

Friday, March 30, 2018

Starter Set, Meet the Tresendars, Session 4 Part 1

Searching the bodies of the slain bugbears and Redbrands, a few odd and interesting items stuck out:

From the body of one of the bugbears, Eva found a large hollowed out bone from some giant creature.  If felt magical in Eva's hands, and she could hear something from inside.  Placing her ear to the bone, she could just make out her mother's voice calling her to come home, and a child's laugh that reminded her of her childhood in Thundertree.

Among the items was also an arm from a statue, weighing roughly 8 pounds, and strangely intricately carved.

Feeling a lack of respect for the thugs, the party decided to dispose of the bodies of the bugbears and Redbrands.  As they dragged the bodies to the pit, they noticed the body of the woodcarver, whom the Redbrands had killed in town, at the bottom of the crevasse.

The nothic, staring quizzically while clinging to a stone pillar, said, "I was hoping for the wizard or the staff, but I am willing to trade.  Body for blade?"

He then skittered down into the pit.  A single clawed hand appeared from under the northern bridge, placing a sword upon it.  Lemon retrieved it, noticing a crest on the blade with a letter "T" etched in it.


A single redbrand ruffian came walking along the east side of the crevasse, towards the north bridge.  Yawning, scratching his ass, and looking at his feet, he was trying to not pay attention to the looming nothic.  The nothic crawled above him along the north pillar, facing upside down and drooling hungrily.

Noticing Lemon with the sword in hand, the redbrand looked up in alarm, reaching for his sword.

Before he could say anything, the nothic proclaimed, "Do you mind if I take this one myself?"

The redbrand turned to look toward the nothic above him in surprise and horror.  As their eyes locked, a wave of magical force flooded from the nothic’s large grotesque eye, rippling through the air like heat rising from the road on a hot day, enveloping the man standing before Lemon.

[DM  note: Rotting Gaze, DC12 CON save (redbrand=+1, rolled 6), 3d6 necrotic damage (rolled 18, redbrand had 16 HP, now -2 hp)]

The redbrand dropped his sword and tried to scream; however, reminiscent of the ending scene in Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark, his face melted leaving behind exposed skull.  He fell to his knees, tumbling into the pit below as he crumpled.  The nothic, smiling grotesquely, looked up at Lemon and cocked his head, then skittered down like a spider, disappearing into the crevasse.


As the party gathered at the door in the northeast side to search the next room, the nothic said:

"Do say hello to Aldith Tresendar and his family for me.
They’re dying for some company…

Entering the room, they found themselves in a large mausoleum.  Three open stone sarcophagi, each with a skeleton inside, lined the walls.  Fearing a magical trap, they prodded and poked the skeletons.  When no reactions came, Lemon pinned one through the rib cage using a javelin, "just in case."

Two doors remained unopened; a smaller plain door at the northern end, and copper plated ornate double doors with a crying angel emblazoned upon them at the southern end of the room.

Durial opened the small plain door, and suddenly took two shots to the gut from crossbow fire.  Surprised by the two Redbrands inside, Durial slammed the door closed.  He had the moment to notice the prisoners behind bars in the North and South sections of the room.

As Durial held his wounded stomach, and Lemon held the door closed, and the skeletons in the room began to move.

However, the skeletons were a minor inconvenience, and were subsequently smashed with maul and sword.

As the last skeleton fell, the chandelier swayed in an unfelt breeze.

From the crumpled forms, smoke rose rapidly into the air, accumulating into small clouds.
Three ghostly forms coalesced, the incorporeal bodies of the Tresendar family forming out of the vapor.

A middle aged male, his face gaunt, with a thin beard, rose from a slumped position and looked Lemon in the eye.

A middle aged female, with hair floating as if in water, breathed raggedly with her head tilted back and mouth wide.

Finally, a shadowed form made of coalesced smoke and shadow, with an eerie absence of sound, pulled smoke from its hand, forming a large glinting dagger.

The bearded male gasped "Freedom..." as he rose.  "Intruders?" he questioned weakly, looking the party over.  Noticing the sword, he pointed at Lemon and bellowed "Thieves!"
Holding out his hand, a duplicate ghostly apparition of the sword Talon formed.

Lemon, realizing the danger they were in, bowed before the ghost and offered the sword.

Surprised, Aldith Tresendar held up a hand to stop his kindred spirits, and picked up the blade from Lemon's hands.  "Explain yourselves,"  he calmly commanded.

The party quickly explained that ruffians had desecrated the tomb, and had prisoners in the next room.

Aldith solemnly nodded, and drifted through the door to the jail cells.  The sword in his hand clattered to the floor, unable to go through the wooden door as his incorporeal form did.

[DM note: I actually did a quick few rolls to determine how the fight went behind the door; it was brutal, the Redbrands didn't stand a chance...]

Several seconds of screaming later, Aldith came back into the room.  Satisfied, he nodded at Lemon.

"Come, Darenia, Denrid.  The war is over.  Let us take our leave."

The three ghosts dissipated upwards towards the ceiling, smoke billowing as their forms dissolved.  Light filled the room momentarily, and the bones on the floor crumbled, leaving behind piles of dust, each topped with a platinum ring.


After some discussion, Eva decided to look behind the door.

[DM note: made her roll a CON save to not throw up at the gore of the Redbrands' remains.]

Averting her eyes the best she could, she extracted the keys to the cells from the remains of a piece of bloody belt hanging from a wall, and opened the jail cells.

The woodcarver's family, Mirna Dendrar with her son and daughter, emerged pale faced and shaking.  Mirna could barely stutter a "th-thank you" as they were lead back to the goblins guarding the prisoners.


On a shelf in the crypt room, they found an ivory figurine.  Noting a surprising resemblance to Halia Thornton, they decided to take it with them.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Starter Set, Seeing Red, Session 3, Part 3

Droop walked to the door at the North of the hallway, reaching for the handle.

Raven placed a hand on her shoulder, lightly holding her back.  "Let's do this together," she said.


Once more listening at the door, Durial and Fleek heard loud laughter coming from several people, indicating the battle had not been heard.

[DM note: rolled Disadvantage for the drunk Perception rolls; all failed spectacularly.]

Rushing in the room, the four drunken Redbrands around the table were taken by surprise.  Not a single blow from the drunkards made its mark; on the other hand, the invading adventurers were quite efficient in quelling the thugs.

Lemon confronted the Captain directly, slashing his face with her sword.  Little Droop, maul in hand, brought it squarely in an upward motion into his groin.  With a realization that his compatriots were dead, and himself outnumbered, he dropped his sword and fell to his knees (mostly of his own volition, though not entirely).

Begging for his life, he offered to tell them anything they wanted to know.  He revealed that Glassstaff's room was through his laboratory, which was in the next room to the North.  Droop noted that he had a pet rat that never left his side.

[DM note: knowledge checks revealed likely a familiar.]

Leaving the goblins behind to guard the Captain (Fleek's head still ringing, and Droop emotionally spent), the party put plans into action.


Thinking strategically, Durial investigated the hallways, and turning a corner, found a secret door to the West side of what must be Glassstaff's quarters.  The party split, and went to both doors simultaneously.  In a rush, they ambushed the rooms, finding Iarno and his apprentice sitting in the bedroom.

In a flurry of action, the wizard's Blur and Shield didn't quite protect him from the well trained crossbows and swords.

Sildar, stepping into the fray, stumbled over his words as he put together the puzzle in his head.
"Iarno?  But... Why?"

The apprentice blasted Sildar and Raven with Burning Hands, knocking Sildar back to his senses.  With a retaliatory slash, Sildar's sword embedded deep into the skull of the Redbrand apprentice.

A final slash from Lemon's greatsword, and Iarno "Glassstaff" Albrek fell, his eyes flashing in a brilliant rainbow of illusionary colors as they rolled back in his head.


Sildar dropped to Iarno's side, attempting to stabalize him.
"I cannot stop the bleeding!  Save him, please!"

The party hesitated.  [1st failed saving throw...]

"Please.  He's responsible for this, but he was my friend.  Let justice determine his fate."

Raven, taking mercy on Sildar, helped bandage the wizard's wounds.

They tied up the wizard, gag, wrists, and even his fingers, and dragged him to the Captain, who stared silently in amazement with his remaining good eye.


Searching Iarno's bedroom and laboratory, they could find no sign of the rat.  They did find notes on some legendary magical weapons that were lost when the Wave Echo Cave was ransacked centuries ago.  Notes regarding the brewing of Invisibility potions were scattered throughout the room.

Other than the eponymous glass staff [Staff of Defense] itself, they procured a Wand of Binding from the apprentice, along with a scroll of Charm Person and a scroll of Fireball.

Also among the items in the wizard's possession was a letter:


Lord Albrek,
My spies in Neverwinter tell me that strangers are due to arrive in Phandalin. They could be working for the dwarves.

Capture them if you can, kill them if you must, but don't allow them to upset our plans. See that any dwarven maps in their possession are delivered to me with haste.  I'm counting on you, Iarno.

Don't disappoint me.