Thursday, December 6, 2018

Starter Set, Thunderous Origins, Session 7 Part 1

The party gathered the corpses of their fallen enemies into the front hall, then rejoined Sildar and Gundren, and took up residence in the bedroom of the defeated King Grol.


Lemon's dreams were filled with the face of of a man in armor wielding a greatsword.  When she awoke, the name "Regdar" resonated in her mind.  Feeling compelled to examine the sword hilt, she uttered the name.  A wisp of smoke rose from the hilt, and solidified into a smoky crystalline blade, glowing a pale blue in the shadow of the room.  Testing this new blade, she found it dissolved when the sunlight coming through the window touched it, reforming once more while in shadow.

(DM Note: Greatsword with psychic damage that cannot be used in direct sunlight.)


Entering the kitchen, the group found Droop standing in front of the old stove, holding something in her hands.  On the stove, a small iron pot glistens with a small bit of molten gold.

Fleek was leaning against the wall, arms folded, smiling at his daughter, a tear in the corner of his eye.  “I fixed it.” Droop said, holding up her mother’s bowl, the cracks filled in with a new gold inlay.  She smiled coyly, looking over at the corpse of Yegg, the goblin cook, “he… had some gold teeth…”

(DM Note: This is Droop's Mother's offering bowl to Meriadar, broken by the Bugbears in Tresendar Manor, described in "Starter Set, Motivations and Reunions, Session 3, Part 2")


The party discussed their options, as they weren't far from Eva's former home of Thundertree.  In a show of support for their new friend, they chose to take this opportunity, and would go North as Sildar would take Gundren back South to Phandalin himself, and would help keep peace in the town until the men delivering Iarno to Neverwinter returned.


It was approaching sunset the next day when they came upon Thundertree.

"Cresting a hill at the edge of the Neverwinter wood, a light rain overhead, you can almost make out the broken peak of Mount Hotenow 30 miles to the north.  Nearly 3 decades ago, the eruption from that far away mountain blocked out the sun and cursed the land.  Strange zombies came down from that mountain, along the river, and chased everyone away."

"From your vantage point, you can see the town below spread before you.  The forest looks strange, mutated, twisted.  The trail along the river gradually becomes overgrown.  Near the middle of town is a hill with a stone tower, partially collapsed, low fog spreading through the surrounding trees.
Roofs are collapsed on many buildings, some more or less intact."

"You have returned home, Eva"

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