***Level 3***
Stepping out into the morning air, they noticed Harbin Wester on the back of a heavily burdened donkey trotting through the town square.
"This is all too much for me. I'm going back to Neverwinter to work for the bank!"
As the jackasses left, they passed by a cart being hauled by several miners, a sheet covering the body of the real Robert in the back.
Linene Graywind approached the party, followed closely by Halia Thornton. Noting the fleeing Townmaster, the two women thank the group and promised that they would pay the rewards promised by Harbin and Sildar. They went on to note that a town council was being formed by the local business owners, and would wait for the chaos in town to settle before electing a new Townmaster.
The party showed Halia the love letter Iarno had written, to which she replied, aghast and embarrassed, "I had barely heard 2 sentences from him before he disappeared months ago! I have no idea what this is about!"
The old cart and oxen, led by Toblen Stonehill, Elmar Barthen and Daran Edermath, made its way down from Barthen's Provisions toward the Townmaster's Hall. Sildar emerged, leading the Redbrand Captain and Iarno Albrek, the latter bound and gagged. Loading the prisoners into the cart, the Neverwinter-bound crew trotted across the square towards the Triboar Trail.
Halia and Iarno locked eyes as he was carted away. She blushed and turned her back to him, a tear rolling down his cheek.
At the Miner's Exchange, the party spoke to Halia regarding the note from the Black Spider that they found in the Manor. She was quite pleased with them, and gladly paid them the 100 gold as promised. She then extended the offer, paying an additional 100 gold for any more information they could obtain about this Black Spider.
They gave her the figurine bust they found in the Tresendar tomb, as it seemed to be nearly identical to her likeness. Holding the carving, Halia revealed that she was a descendant to the Tresendars, and that she wanted to bring back the town to what it once was, to rebuild her ancestor's legacy.
As a form of gratitude for their respect to her ancestors, and the return of the statuette, she offered to purchase any ore or metals they wished to sell at a 90% rate (as opposed to the standard 50% buy rate).
During the exchange, she was able to communicate with Durial using Thieves' Cant, giving him the message that she was not sure she could trust him earlier, but was now willing to work with him.
She asked where they were going next, and if they planned to find Robert's killer. Assuring her that they were, and that they would bring the villains to justice, she offered Robert's horse to aid in the effort.
[DM note: I made cards for 12 customized horses, setting slight price variance for each.]
Redsaddle was a maroon horse formerly owned by a former sea-raider, Linene's cousin Robert. She swims really well and can hold her breath for an unnatural length of time. Raven chose this horse, feeling a connection almost immediately. [DM note: swim speed 60 ft.]
The party, seeing the value in having a faster means of travel, persuaded Linene to extend her assistance further. She granted them a 75% buyback on any weapons or armor they brought her, and gave a 25% discount on the sale of any horses they bought.
Lemon chose to purchase Wickywalter. Light brown, branded with the seal of justice as a former bounty-hunter’s horse, he neighs loudly if a lie is told in his presence. (Lemon glanced at Durial as she paid for the horse...) [DM note: range 15 ft, Insight vs Deception, DC11.]
Lana, the silver dragonborn wizard, felt drawn to Icehorse. Rare breeding stock, raised in arctic conditions and high altitude to improve strength. Total badass of a white horse that will stand up to any punishment. Cries a little as it sleeps. [DM note: cold resistance.]
The next horse, Bjors, is said to have distant bear ancestry. Can talk with bears as one of their own, and needs a little meat in his diet to stay happy. Curiously intrigued by this strange beast, the druid Eva chose him as her mount. [DM note: Bi-lingual carnivore horse? Why not...]
For their goblin companions, the party purchased Bessie, cow that for some reason loves to run. She can keep up with most race horses, and enjoys the company of a rider. Provides 1 gallon of fresh milk every day, though will get ill if not milked for 48 hours. [DM note: stats as riding horse, milk serves as 1 ration per day.]
The rogue Durial chose to walk, though with his light frame, he could take breaks and saddle behind another party member if need be.
[DM note: CON saves for long distance marching or face exhaustion.]
Sildar chose to purchase Oxkicker. A dark grey raid-horse trained to kick in doors with alarming power. [DM note: Warhose with 20 STR, +7 to kick, 2d6+5 damage.]
Sweet rides!