Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Review Time!

I found a few articles that may be useful.  First up is "Learn UNIX in 10 minutes."  It seems pretty decent, and goes over pretty much everything we have learned so far:


Next up, here's a tutorial for beginners, with lesson plans and screen shots.  Not much beyond what we've learned so far, but good for review:


From that site, we find a link to recommended books.  From what I've found, these are the best ones out there, and are recommended on many Unix sites and forums:


Now for another rare find: a free book on Unix from 1993, "Unix is a four letter word."  It's an interesting read, covers a pretty thorough history of Unix and commands, and has a touch of geek humor.  Okay, so it's 18 years old, and dates back before the Internet, but I find it valuable enough to read it, so maybe you will, too:


See you at the midterm!



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