To remove the error messages for Java when using older Java applets, the
workaround requires a “.xml” file to be compiled into a “.jar” file that must
then be signed using a “Code Signing” certificate from a valid “Certificate
Authority.” To begin, download and
install the latest JDK package from Java (as of this date, version 7u40), then
complete the following tasks.
Open “certmgr.msc”
Right-click on “Personal”, select “All Tasks”
Select “Request New Certificate…”
Next -> Next -> check “Code Signing”, select
“Details”, Select “Properties”
“Private Key” tab, “Key Options” menu, check “Make private
key exportable”
Select “OK”, select “Finish”
Within “Personal” folder, select “Certificates” folder
Right-click newly created key, select “All Tasks”, select
Next, check “Yes, export the private key”, Next, Next
Create a password, Confim, Next, use “Browse” and choose a
file name and location
Next, Finish
Browse to the location of the newly created .pfx certificate
Create a file called “ruleset.xml”
<id location="http://(website here)"
<action permission="run" />
Open the Command Prompt and enter the following commands:
Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_40\bin\jar.exe" cf DeploymentRuleSet.jar
“C:\Program Files
(x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_40\bin\keytool" -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore [Certificate File
Name].pfx -v
Enter keystore
password: [Enter
[Copy the text after “Alias name:”]
Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_40\bin\jarsigner" -storetype pkcs12 –keystore [Certificate File
Name].pfx DeploymentRuleSet.jar [Alias Name (for example: le-codesigning-12f34567-1234-56ab-c78d-90123e4f5678)]
Enter Passphrase for
keystore: [Enter
(Note: you may receive a message
stating “Warning: The signer's certificate chain is not validated.” You can ignore this warning.)
Copy “DeploymentRuleSet.jar” to
“C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\” using preferred deployment method.